Your information

Do we ask for information about you? What we do with it and why might we need to share it?

Your information

As a patient of ours, you will be giving us information about yourself  which may be of a sensitive nature and which you may not wish to be widely known. We need to collect and record that information to help us provide you with the best care.

Your information may need to be shared with or be available to the other health professionals who are directly involved with your treatment plan.

We take confidentiality very seriously and understand our duty to:

  • Maintain full and accurate records of the care we provide to you

  • Keep all records about you accurate, confidential and secure

Why is information collected about you?

We must keep records about you, your health and the care we have provided to you:

  • To give you the best possible healthcare and treatment

  • To have historical data that may be relevant to your care

  • To help manage and plan services for you

  • To help monitor and evaluate services

  • To avoid delays in searching for your medical records

What information might you be asked for?

  • Your personal details

  • Your physical health

  • Your mental health

  • Treatments you have received.

  • Notes from other clinics and hospitals

If you are uncertain why a question is relevant to your healthcare, please ask.

Where is the information kept?

All documents are password protected and stored in a company cloud that meets GDPR requirments.

How is your information shared and with whom?

Most information is only shared with healthcare professionals directly involved in your care.

You may be receiving care from other healthcare organisations in Gibraltar or elsewhere Herbsense Clinic. In order that we  can work effectively with other providers, for your benefit, we may be required to share some information about you, for example with your General Practitioner, staff at another clinics or specialist hospitals, scanning or treatment centres not provided by us.

Records will be used for:

  • Provide a good basis for all health decisions made about you

  • Make sure your care is safe and effective

Confidentiality is your right

All information about you belongs to you and you are therefore able to have access to your records at any time if you request to see them. You have the legal right to confidentiality under the Data Protection Act 2004.

By signing our terms and conditions agreement we will assume that you have given permission you are happy Herbsense Clinic to share information about you solely for the provision of your medical care, unless you specifically request us not to do so.

How to request your clinical notes/results:

Your clinical notes can ONLY BE REQUESTED BY YOURSELF.  We will not release any medical notes to a third party without your written authority to do so. Copies of your clinical notes can be ordered by email.

We will ask two security questions in order to confirm your identity.


We will only share information about you if there is a genuine need for it to be made available and it is in your interests. Whenever we can, when sharing medical data we will remove key details which could identify you.

As with all rules there may be exceptions. We may have to pass on your details during a public health emergency or to the police when ordered to do so by a court.

Sometimes we may need to share information about you without your consent, if it is deemed that by not doing so, there is a risk of serious harm to an individual or to the rest of the community at large.